General Manager's Speech

      Yao Huihuang, general manager of Hongzhuo Lighting, would like to extend cordial greetings to customers all over the country and wish everyone: Happy New Year! All is well! Business is booming! Extra cash!

    The development status of the lighting industry is full of chaos. Affected by the eight regulations of the central government, the market is sluggish, and both manufacturers and dealers are deeply affected. Although affected by the above factors, how to survive in the cracks has become our every Problems faced by both manufacturers and distributors.

    No matter how the environment changes, someone will always make money, and how to break through is the key.

    As a young company, Hongzhuo Lighting has always maintained an idea: "cooperation and win-win! Only when customers make money can I make money!" We start from the grassroots level, from employees-technicians-management-sales-distribution The process of business - opening a factory is a step-by-step process, and I have been immersed in entertainment venues a lot. Especially, I have rich practical experience in the field of lighting engineering solutions. Now many small and medium-sized factories follow the trend and do what they sell. For each lamp Where is it used? How to layout? It is only superficial, and we do not have a deep understanding of the concept of stage lighting and dance beauty, but we benefit from our early experience and have a solid foundation. We can provide customers with assistance in lighting design, help customers improve the winning rate of business negotiations, or cooperate with senior Experts communicate with each other, exchange opinions with each other, and achieve a win-win situation for cooperation!

    Of course, in addition to providing customers with high-quality technical services, the most important thing is to provide customers with products with stable quality. Now, in order to improve competitiveness and maintain profits, small and medium-sized manufacturers always tell customers that they will not do it when they doubt the quality of customers. Junk products, they are all done well. The fact is that some factories will use counterfeit materials, and problems will arise after a short time. Hongzhuo Lighting has heard many complaints from customers in this regard, and customers say that it is difficult to find similar prices. It is almost the same, but the quality is stable. As a manufacturer, Hongzhuo Lighting has seen the voice of customers and has been working hard to meet customers' expectations. From procurement, production management, to shipment inspection, strict control and checks are carried out, even if the raw materials are expensive. No matter what, we will choose suppliers with stable quality, unless the customer has special requirements. In production, the management personnel are strictly selected, and the employees are strictly managed, so that the employees can have standardized operations and reduce quality problems. The process has strict quality control to meet customer expectations, so that customers have more confidence in our products to promote sales.

    Dear customer, in the new year, Hongzhuo Lighting hopes to join hands with you and work together to achieve mutual benefit and win-win! Once again, I sincerely wish you a prosperous business and a lot of money!

                                                                                                                                                                                                      General Manager of Guangdong Hongzhuo Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.: Yao Huihuang

Contact Info


+86 18665983342 ISA
Building A2, Yisheng Zhongchuang City, Qingyuan High-tech Development Zone, Guangdong Province

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